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Specialization Academy of Content Experts (SACE) Workshop
Date: | February 2025 |
Time: | 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (Time May Change) |
Location: | Houston, TX |
Type: | Course |
Annual workshop to assist specialization academy of content experts with item writing.
Writing good multiple-choice questions can be difficult. MCQs often contain technical flaws that provide an advantage to "test-wise" examinees, and they sometimes focus on content that is relatively unimportant from a clinical perspective.
This item-writing workshop focuses on preparing and reviewing MCQs that assess application of clinical knowledge in patient care situations, rather than just recall of isolated facts.
8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.
Initial introductions, presentation by PSI Representatives, and Incentive Award announcements, Room TBD
9:45 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (lunch break 12:00 – 1:30 pm)
Item Writing Sessions
Breakout Room 1: Boston Convention and Exposition Center, Room TBD
- Cardiovascular and Pulmonary
- Clinical Electrophysiology
- Wound Management
Breakout Room 2: Boston Convention and Exposition Center, Room TBD
- Geriatrics
- Pediatrics
Breakout Room 3: Boston Convention and Exposition Center, Room TBD
- Neurology
- Women's Health
Breakout Room 4: Boston Convention and Exposition Center, Room TBD
- Sports
- Oncology
Breakout Room 5: Boston Convention and Exposition Center, TBD
- Orthopaedics
NOTE: Times may change.
Workshop Objectives
At the conclusion of the workshop, participants will be able to:
- Learn to effectively utilize established eRoom system for item submission
- Recognize, correct and avoid commonly occurring technical flaws in MCQ phrasing
- Select topics for MCQs that are suitable for the physical therapy specialty examinations
- Write (and rewrite) MCQs assessing application of clinical knowledge in patient care situations
- Learning out to effectively incorporate images and multi-media in MCQs
- Participate effectively in group review of MCQs
The workshop will be run in an interactive, seminar-style format that also includes small-group activities.
Other ABPTS Events at CSM 2025
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ABPTS Certification Recognition Reception >>
MOSC Forum >>