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MOSC Requirement 4: Year 10 Non-Proctored Recertification Examination

The ABPTS Maintenance of Specialist Certification (MOSC) is a model for certification that focuses on continuing competence of the physical therapist specialist. This page covers MOSC Requirement 4: Year 10 Non-Proctored Recertification Examination.

Board-Certified Specialists Seeking Emeritus Status

A board-certified specialist with current certification status and retiring from direct patient/client care (as defined by ABPTS) who desires to maintain affiliation with the certification process may apply to ABPTS for authorization to include the designation "emeritus" after their specialist credential

ABPTS Policies and Procedures

May 21, 2021/Policies & Bylaws

Review the governing policies and procedures for the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties.

Specialist Certification: Cardiovascular & Pulmonary

Access information to assist you in seeking an initial board-certification in the cardiovascular and pulmonary specialty area.

Specialist Certification: Clinical Electrophysiology

The clinical electrophysiologic specialty area within the physical therapy profession encompasses those areas of practice that use electricity to monitor, measure, or produce physiologic responses in the evaluation, treatment, and prevention of human dysfunction. Specialists in this area are skilled


The oncologic specialty area within the physical therapy profession includes the management of the musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, integumentary and cardiopulmonary rehabilitative needs of patients living with and beyond cancer and other chronic illnesses including HIV.


The pediatric specialty area within the physical therapy profession includes treatment of traumatic, developmental, and systemic disorders that relate specifically to children.

Women's Health

The women’s health clinical specialist demonstrates advanced knowledge in foundational science, behavioral science, clinical science, client management and practice management in the realm of women’s health physical therapy.

Wound Management

The wound management specialty area within the physical therapy profession involves understanding, assessing, and maintaining the integrity of the integumentary system across the lifespan and in preventing and managing multiple types of wounds and integumentary conditions for optimal outcomes.

MOSC Requirements

Where and When Do You Start? Review timeline and fee structure for information on how this pertains to already certified specialists in the process of preparing for maintenance. Already started the MOSC process? If you're already in the process of your board-certification maintenance and know where you